Edukasi : Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan(ISSN : 2085 1472 / EISSN : 2579 4965) is a scientific journal Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. This Journal serves as a means of dissemination of scientific research results conducted by the academicians both from internal and external. Edukasi contains research results and theoretical studies on educational issues, especially in Indonesia. We publish articles in June and December. Nowadays, Edukasi has been indexed in Google Scholar, Shinta, and Moraref.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Edukasi receives a script dissemination of scientific research results conducted by the academicians both from internal and external who have not been published in other journals.
The substance of the article can be the result of research, critical and comprehensive scientific study which are relevant and current issues covered by the journal.
The manuscript may be submitted directly to the editorial board or sent by email editor [email protected].
Manuscript typed on A4 paper with margin: upper 3 cm, left 3 cm, right 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm. The script is typed with the spacing of 1.15 spaces with a maximum length of 20 pages with one coloumb format. The contents of the article are written in Times New Roman 12 pt.
Indonesian article titles are written with specific and effective no more than 18 words while the title in English is not more than 10 words. The title of the article should be informative, specific, concise, and contain keywords that describe the contents of the manuscript in its entirety. The title of the article is written in Times New Roman 14 pt and Bold.
The name of authors is written in Times New Roman 12 pt, space 1 and Bold without the title and should not be abbreviated. If the author is more than one, then listed in descending order and contains the origin of the agency and e-mail address.
Name of agency and email address wrote sequence starting from the first author with Times New Roman 12 letter and space 1.
Abstracts are written in English (if any) and Indonesian. Abstract consists of 1 paragraph maximum 200 words and written with Times New Roman 12 pt. The abstract is not in the form of a summary consisting of several paragraphs but consists of only 1 paragraph that clearly, whole and complete describes the essence of the whole content of the writing covering the background (main issues), research objectives, methods, and results.
Keywords consist of a maximum of 5 words, separated by commas for both English and Indonesian.
The sub-titles are written in capital letters (Times New Roman 12 pt bold) and without any numbering format
Introduction: contains background research issues and objectives, literature review relevant to the problem under study (15-20% of the total length of the article)
Research Methods: contains expositions in the form of paragraphs containing time and place of research, design, materials/research subjects, procedures/techniques of data collection, instruments, and data analysis techniques (10-15% of total article length)
Results and Discussion: contains the results of the analysis which is the answer to the problem of research.
Conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations: presented in paragraph form on the research findings.
The Quote using body note or endnote. Don’t use the footnote.
The bibliography contains the sources used as references in the study. Referral sources of at least 80% of the literature published in the last 10 years. References used are primary sources of articles that exist in scientific journals or research reports (thesis, dissertation). The bibliography is written alphabetically with Times New Roman 12 font, space 1, special indentation hanging by 0.25" after 12 pt. The rules of writing the bibliography follow the rules of APA (American Psychological Association) as follows: (we recommend to use the reference manager, ie. Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote etc.)
Amri, S. (2010). Proses Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Kelas. Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Karya.
Forouzan, B.A., & Fegan, S.C. (2007). Data Communications and Networking (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Scientific Journal
Warraich, K. & Khyzer, M.B.D. (2013). Scale Efficiency of Islamic Banks of Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 7(23), 2249-2256.
Ariani, R.P., Sudria, I.B.N., Warsiki, N.M., Made, M., Widiadnyana, I.K., Sudarwati, M. (2005). Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Kecakapan Hidup Tentang Peningkatan Produksi Pangan pada Siswa Kelas III SMP Negeri 2 Singaraja. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran IKIP Negeri Singaraja., 38, 922-934.
Edited articles
Bjork, R.A. (1988). Retrieval Inhibition as an Adaptive Mechanism in Human Memory. In H.L. Roediger III & F.I.M. Craik (Eds), Varieties of Memory & Consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hil-lsdale, NK: Erlbaum.
Thesis and Dissertation
Agustina, P. (2010). Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Afektif Siswa Kelas X-1 SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta Melalui Penerapan Strategi Active Knowledge Sharing disertai Modul Hasil Penelitian pada Pokok Bahasan Zigomy-cotina. Skripsi. Tidak Diterbitkan. Surakarta: FKIP UNS.
Journal from Website
VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources by Psychology Undergraduates [Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123.