Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu tentang MP-ASI dengan Edukasi Gizi melalui Booklet

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Dewi Marfuah
Indah Kurniawati


Inadequate    food   intake,   during   mothers    knowledge    of   food complement of breast milk and  disease  weaning  period  may  cause  child  growth  impairment. Mothers  knowledge  and  behavior  have  a  great  important  role  on  children  food intake  because  a  good  knowledge  of  food complement of breast milk may  result  in providing  good menu for children.  Effort to improve knowledge  can be conducted through information giving. Giving nutrition education  once a month during posyandu may improve mothers knowledge on about food complement of breast milk. The aim of this study to determine  the improvement  their skil on making   of mothers knowledge about food complement of breast milk after receiving nutrition education  by booklet. This is a quasi  experiment  study  with   one group  pretest  post test design. The population was all mother who have children in age 6-24 months at Posyandu Kelurahan Kadipiro Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota Surakarta. The samples were 31 respon dents using purposive sampling. Kolmogorof smirnov  test was  undertaken  to determine  the normality  of the data,  and  paired t-test was used to acces the difference. This study  showed  that before  receiving  nutrition education  by booklet  61,3% of  the participants   had  poor  knowledge   of  food complement of breast milk.   After  receiving nutrition education by  booklet,   45,2%   of  the   participants   had   a  enough  knowledge   of food complement of breast milk. This study showed that there was enhancement of mothers by knowledge   about food complement of breast milk receiving  nutrition education by  booklet  in  Posyandu Kelurahan Kadipiro Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota Surakarta.


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