Muhammadiyah Current Legal Research <p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Journal title : <strong>Muhammadiyah Current Legal Research</strong><br>Abbreviation : <strong>MCLR</strong><br>ISSN : under submission<br>DOI Prefix : 10.31603/mclr by <img src="" width="55" height="15"><br>Frequency : Biannually <br>Type of peer-review: <strong>Single-blind</strong><br>Indexing : -<br>National Grade : -<br>Journal History : See <a href="">Journal history </a><a href=""> <br></a>Editors : See <a href="">Editorial Team </a></span></p> Asosiasi Program Studi Ilmu Hukum PTM Indonesia en-US Muhammadiyah Current Legal Research Business Policy in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in a Legal Perspective <p>xxx</p> Osgar Sahim Matompo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-08-29 2020-08-29 1 1 1 17 Implementation of the Principle of Equality Before The Law In Realizing the Rule of Law <p>xxx</p> Ratmi Susiani Sagala Syafrizal Syafrizal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-08-29 2020-08-29 1 1 18 32 Development of Protection and Enforcement of Human Rights in Indonesia; Old Order Era Until Reformation <p>xxx</p> Levina Yustitianingtyas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-08-29 2020-08-29 1 1 33 45 The Position of Village Regulations in the Law and Regulations System in Indonesia <p>xxx</p> Nirwan Moh. Nur ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-08-29 2020-08-29 1 1 46 64 The Principles of Rule of Law in Achieving Independent Judicial Power in Indonesia <p>xxx</p> Idea Islami Parasatya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-08-29 2020-08-29 1 1 65 75