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This research aimed to analyze influence service quality are physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving and policy toward the word of mouth communication of Pamella Supermarket in Jl. Kusumanegara Yogyakarta. The analysis used was multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis was test by using T test and F test. T test used to test the partial regression coefficients. The result of partially regression coefficient test with T test shows that physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, and problem solving influence
significantly toward the word of mouth communication and policy not significantly toward the word of mouth communication. This result of simultaneously regression coefficient test with F test shows that physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving and policy influence significantly toward the word of mouth communication. In the other side coefficient regression test‟s result shows that variables of physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving and policy are able to explain word of mouth communication up to 61,5% and the rest is 39,5% caused by another variable that is not included in the research model.


Service Quality Word of Mouth Communication

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