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Banks as Financial Intermediation become a key of funds availability to support the national development, should be efficient in its operation. Openness information which started since the era of reform should change the bank efficiency, due to the reduced asymmetry information. However, some sources reported that Indonesian national banking was inefficient. This study examines the cost efficiency of banks listed in Indonesia stock exchange since the reformation era until now (in the year 2000 – 2017) as measured by Cost to Income
Ratio (CIR), as well as analyzing the determination of bank efficiency. The results show that bank inefficiency determined by the Bank Size, Non Performing Loan, Net Interest Margin, Earning Assets, Interest Rate Gap, Economic Growth, and inflation. The dominant factor that gave an effect are Bank Size and Net Interest Margin for the internal factors, and Economic Growth as external factors. The result implied that Listed Bank in Indonesia Stock Exchange should continue to consolidate the Bank Size, and increase or hold the ratio of NIM in high level. For the government/authority should create high economic growth and maintain inflation environment to make their banking industry more efficient. 


Bank Efficiency Cost Efficiency Cost to Income Ratio Bank Specific Economic Variable

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