Kinderflix therapy proven to alleviate anxiety in paediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis

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Nova Ari Pangesti
Eko Riyanti
Nirmala Ainun Fatikha


Acute gastroenteritis (GEA) poses a significant global health challenge, contributing to a 9% morbidity and mortality rate among children under five. In Indonesia, GEA has the potential to trigger outbreaks and is particularly concerning for preschool children, whose weak immune systems make them highly susceptible to the disease and its complications, including hospitalization-related anxiety. This anxiety often leads to uncooperative behaviour, making treatment more difficult, especially for children facing hospitalization for the first time. Non-pharmacological interventions like distraction have emerged as effective ways to address this issue. This study explores the effectiveness of Kinderflix video therapy in alleviating anxiety among children with GEA at Kebumen Regional General Hospital. Using a qualitative descriptive approach and a case study design, we focused on two respondents aged 3-5 years with GEA and anxiety. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation, employing the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) for Preschoolers. The findings revealed that on the first day, patient 1 exhibited moderate anxiety with an SCAS score of 36, which reduced to mild anxiety (score of 28) following the therapy. Similarly, patient 2’s anxiety decreased from a moderate level (SCAS score of 32) to mild (score of 17) on the third day. Administering video therapy for 10 minutes twice daily proved effective in significantly reducing anxiety levels in young children suffering from GEA.

Keywords: Kinderflix; anxiety; gastrointestinal problems; paediatric nursing; prevention strategy


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Paediatric Nursing